Adrian Edmondson
Adrian Edmondson

People expect us to be different, but we're not. We're very similar people, and it's because we're so similar and close to each other that we make each other laugh - in fact we make each other laugh more than we make anyone else laugh.

Adriano Zumbo
Adriano Zumbo

I'm like anyone else: there's good and bad in what I do and there are always people out there who think they know better than you.

Adrienne Bailon
Adrienne Bailon

Autism doesn't have to define a person. Artists with autism are like anyone else: They define themselves through hard work and individuality.

Adwoa Aboah
Adwoa Aboah

Like anyone else, I can fall into these massive Instagram holes and start comparing myself to other people.

Ahmed Chalabi
Ahmed Chalabi

I did more than anyone else in persuading the U.S. to get rid of Saddam.

Aimee Mullins
Aimee Mullins

Part of the reason I wanted to model was to push the boundaries and challenge the perceptions of what a beautiful body is supposed to look like. Why should I feel any differently about looking good than anyone else?

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

For me, Jersey represents going through what you can go through and still surviving. That's the cool thing about people from the Tri-State area. We're fighters. We're survivors, and we're edgier than anyone else on Earth.

Al Sharpton
Al Sharpton

The United States isn't a dictatorship ruling with a brutal army and an iron fist, so our police departments must understand that they are there to serve and protect us - all of us. And when they do commit crimes, they must be arrested and prosecuted like anyone else, bottom line.

Alan Ladd
Alan Ladd

I hear about stars being torn to pieces by fans. It never happened to me and I never saw it happen to anyone else.

Alan Menken
Alan Menken

A lot of the projects I've been involved with have been my babies, and I'm not going to give my baby to anyone else.